Time to play

Time to play!

Sometimes I feel like all I do is shuttle the kids around, clean up after the kids, cook for the kids (cue more cleaning up), tell the kids to go and play together so I can work, settle the kids to sleep; at bedtime (and at midnight and at 3am). Its like groundhog day, each day.

I have felt so consumed by motherhood that sometimes I feel like I have lost my own voice. Going back to work I started to feel like I was contributing again. To the household finances but also to my community, to society and to the amazing parents I met along the way. In all this though I do feel like my youngest has missed out on a lot of me. My work is based from home so it can be hard to put up the boundaries.

I decided on Monday to go to the local playground with Little Hulk. We went straight after school drop off so I did not get distracted by “stuff” at home. His face lit up and I know I really could take him more often but I haven’t made it a priority. We ran and played and climbed and span and I realised we had both been missing out. I want that to change.

Today I decided the way to stay motivated was to set myself a challenge. 21 parks in 21 weeks! Each week we will visit a different play ground. Some will be new and some will be those we already know and love. Personally I am an awesome procrastinator, and I know that to stay motivated I need to set specific goals. Each week I can write about it and hopefully we can build a new habit of making fun a priority!

This week was our local playground. Its an oldie but a goodie. A small playground but just right for him at 3, and being small its always quiet so we had it all to ourselves today. We had a run on the grass, climbed on the equipment and explored the trees. This playground also has an old stone hut that all the kids love to play in (and on) but it started to rain so we had to go home before we got there.

I am setting myself the challenge to really be there, in that moment with him. I will not be distracted by social media. I will not ‘suggest’ that he has been on the swings long enough because I am tired of pushing I will BE there with him, having fun.

I recently said to a friend “I am too busy being serious to have fun” she flat out laughed at me and rightly so. Each week I will share our fun and I hope that I can inspire a few more Mums to let go of serious, even for a little while and have some fun.


Mich xxx

Its been on for a few weeks, you can catch up on the weeks so far here-

Time to Play #2

Time to Play #3

Time to play #4

Time to Play #5

Blended Life Happy Wife

3 thoughts on “Time to play!”

  1. This is an awesome idea. Sometimes as busy Moms we forget to take a step back and just enjoy and we deserve it. I’m going to check out the other weeks, I’m excited to see what’s happening. My children are a little older, 9, 11, and 15, but they still love going to the playground, I may have to challenge myself with them this summer. Thank you for sharing this post in the All for Mamas Link Party Week 7 #allformamas. I appreciate that you are a returning supporter. I will share this post on the facebook group page, my page, twitter and pinterest. Thank you so much 🙂


  2. We try to get to a park or in our backyard. Getting outside makes a huge difference in everyone’s mood. Such a great goal 21 parks in 21 weeks!! We try to build fun in our schedule too.


    1. It is amazing the difference a little outside time can make. Connection back to the environment, moving our bodies and its Free so no excuses 🙂 I even asked my kids for gumboots for Mothers day so I could splash in the puddles too!


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